

Instituto Franco-Argentino sobre
Estudios de Clima y sus Impactos. / Institut Franco-Argentin sur
le Climat et ses Impacts.
Mario Nuñez

Presentacion del CIMA. Carolina Vera Presentacion_CIMA_Nov2010.pptx
Presentacion del DCAO. Celeste Saulo Presentacion_DCAO.pptx
Presentacion del IPSL. Hervé Le Treut IPSL-overview.ppt
CLARIS LPB. Europe - South America Project. Jean-Philippe Boulanger CLARIS LPB. Europe - South America Project
Presentacion del IANIGIA. Ricardo Villalba IANIGLA-Franco-Argentina.ppt
Presentacion CITEFA, CEILAP.
Sophie Godin-Beekmann
UDALL Center for Studies in Public Policy
Robert G. Varady
Varady UMI presentation.pptx
Varady UMI societal dimensions essay.docx
Varady UMI breakout group presentation.pptx
Presentacion Alexis Hannart alexis_hannart_presentation.pdf
Atmos WG Atmos_WG.ppt
Ocean WG Ocean_WG.pptx
Synthesis of recommendations
 from all the working groups:
resumen UMI ocean-atmo.doc

Dynamical impacts of the Andes on the Argentinian and on the global climate

proposed research for collaborations within the IFAECI. Oct 2010

