VI Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling Workshop

7-9 September 2022, C. A. Buenos Aires, Argentina



Regular presentations will last 12 minutes, leaving 3 minutes for questions
  • Authors should attend providing a pdf file with the slides
  • Note: Because we are streaming the workshop for remote attendees, we will use a presenter laptop at the venue. The operating system of the laptop in the room will be Windows 10 with the latest version of MS PowerPoint
  • Keynote speakers will have 30-minutes for their presentations (25-minute presentation and 5-minute discussion)

Panel Discussion

  • Panelists will have 7-minutes to provide an overview of their research area followed by an open discussion.


Posters will be displayed at the workshop venue during all 3-days in the same area where the coffee and lunch breaks will take place
  • Poster should be in a regular DIN-A0 portrait size (841 x 1189 mm)
  • Please send a pdf of your poster by Ausgut 31, to
  • Please send us a 5 minutes video explaining the poster to (not mandatory), accepted formats: MP4, WebM, and OGG

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