Reuniones Científicas organizadas por el CIMA

Pronosticando el Mar Argentino:

"2do Taller del proyecto PronoMAr"
Desarrollo e Implementación de un sistema de pronóstico oceánico operativo
para la gestión y explotación sostenible de los recursos marinos (PronoMar) "PIDT Pampa Azul A5"


Pronosticando el Mar Argentino:

Kick-off del proyecto:
Desarrollo e Implementación de un sistema de pronóstico oceánico operativo
para la gestión y explotación sostenible de los recursos marinos (PronoMar) "PIDT Pampa Azul A5"


CORDEX Central America and South America.
Online Paper-Writing Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling

Objectives of the Workshop:
To coordinate collaborative research based on CORDEX products with focus on selected regional phenomena. To foster the interaction between climate modelers and representatives from the user/impact community. To enhance the capacity on documenting scientific research.


Plant dynamics and Climate Change in the Andes
Newton Fund Workshop

Objectives of the Workshop:
Climate change poses a major threat to plant biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Andes. In response to the need for a regional approach to this phenomenon, the workshop brought together senior and early career researchers in the fields of plant sciences, conservation, climate variability and change, and modelling from Latin America and the UK.


CORDEX Central America and South America.
Training Workshop on Downscaling Techniques

Objectives of the Training Workshop:
The Workshop is intended for PhD students and early career researchers with a background in regional climate science. The main objectives are to build capacity in regional climate downscaling techniques and to coordinate future CORDEX activities in the domains over South and Central America/Latin America and the Caribbean.


Curso - Climate Geopolitics: International Relations in a Warming World

Objetivo del Curso:
Ante las consecuencias sociales del cambio climático y las migraciones, se plantea la necesidad de repensar conceptos como soberanía, Estado, población y territorio. El Antropoceno es un nuevo período geológico en el que, según los geólogos, estamos inmersos de ahora en adelante. Se lo podría llamar “la era del ser humano” y se define por una ruptura profunda: por primera vez, los seres humanos se han convertido en la principal fuerza de transformación del planeta, por delante de las fuerzas geológicas.


El estado actual del conocimiento del Delta del Paraná y del Río de la Plata

Objetivo del Taller:
Es reunir investigadores de diversas disciplinas de la comunidad argentina con el fin de fomentar el desarrollo de investigación novedosa, innovadora y transdisciplinaria en la región del Río de la Plata y el Delta del Paraná. Se analizará la posibilidad de generar un proyecto conjunto a ser presentado en futuras convocatorias de financiamiento y la incorporación de investigadores de otros países a la propuesta.



Seizing the Data Deluge in Environmental Sciences.
Like most sciences, environmental sciences have experienced a data deluge during the recent past with the explosion in the amount of data produced by sensors and models that monitor, measure and forecast the Earth system. This exponential trend in data availability is expected to continue in the future thereby creating many new opportunities, needs and challenges. On the other hand, big data has emerged as a wide multidisciplinary dynamic which addresses challenges associated to large and complex data and encompasses diverse fields in mathematics and computer science.


Advancing in the understanding and modeling of the hydrosedimentological and biogeochemical processes in the Río de la Plata Estuary

The meeting is expected to gather French researchers and the small Argentinean community working on the issue in order to foster the development of new and innovative research in the area. To study the possibility of a joint project to be submitted in future calls for proposals.


Climate downscaling and scale interaction

Purpose of meeting:
Update participants on the advances of the group research, and exchange ideas and experiences with a detailed focus on the scientific challenges related to the study of the scales interaction. Training the local participants in the use of the LMDZ climate model. Establish a common research agenda for 2015-2018 within the framework of the ongoing collaborations and define the structure of a thesis plan.


Advanced Data Assimilation Methods First ADAM Workshop organized in the frame of UMI-IFAECI

Purpose of meeting: Cross-update of participants on the results of their ongoing research activities on the topic of Data Assimilation methods, with a detailed focus on the most prominent practical and theoretical research challenges to befaced in the near future. Establishment of a common research agenda for 2015-2017. Definition of the structure and content of a joint research project proposal to be submitted in 2015.


Reunión Plenaria IFAECI - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 11-12 Diciembre de 2014

Se realizó la reunion plenaria del Instituto Franco-Argentino sobre Estudios de Clima y sus Impactos (UMI IFAECI - 3351), en la sede Dorrego del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Las charlas se desarrollaron en 3 sesiones: "Describiendo", "Entendiendo", "Aplicando" , aglutinando en forma transversal las diversas Lineas de Investigación del Instituto.


WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on Latin-America and Caribbean CORDEX LAC: Phase II - The Caribbean

The Phase II Workshop aims to foster collaboration among participants focusing on already identified Vulnerability Impact and Adaptation (VIA) needs for the region. The workshop builds on the experience of the First VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop: Phase I. The second workshop will provide the opportunity for new participants to join the network and will serve as a forum for addressing new topics.


Impactos del cambio climático sobre la viticultura en América del Sur: entre observaciones, estudios de campo y modelizaciones

Propósito del Taller: La propuesta del Taller es reforzar las relaciones interregionales entre investigadores de Chile y Argentina en el contexto del proyecto GICC-TERADCLIM (coordinador Hervé Quénol). Esta reunión permitirá hacer una recapitulación de los objetivos de comunes de investigación en el próximo período.


WCRP VAMOS/CORDEX Workshop on Latin-America and Caribbean CORDEX LAC: Phase I - South America

The Workshop brings together the international community of regional climate scientists to pursue an initial assessment of the various CORDEX downscaling initiatives over the South American and Central American CORDEX domains, to develop regionally focused vulnerability, impact and adaptation (VIA) user-knowledge, and to identify stakeholders’ needs so as to support the science-based information required for climate adaptation, mitigation and risk management in the region.


Exploring the Use of Data Assimilation Methods for the Detection and Attribution of Climate Change

The purpose of this workshop will be to explore, the potential for cross-fertilization between these two methodological research fields in climate science that have been so far somewhat isolated from one another. In this purpose, the workshop will gather together experts from both communities for several days of mutual D&A-DA training and thought-sharing.


Patagonian Dust and Malvinas Current Meeting

Towards a new French-Argentinean cooperation organized in the frame of UMI-IFAECI
Purpose of meeting: Establish contact between participants and update everyone on past results, current and future work concerning the study of Patagonian dust and its influence on the ocean. Study the possibility of a joint project to investigate the sources, transport, fertilization and potential climate impact of atmospheric dust generated in the Patagonia and its effect on the Southern Ocean.


Coloquio Internacional ANDES

El impacto climático, una variable de creciente importancia en la gestión de los sectores público y privado.
Primer Coloquio Interactivo entre empresas, Instituciones Públicas e Investigadores científicos hacia un nuevo orden de inteligencia Económica basada en la gestion de los riesgos Climáticos. Taller de reflexion y "Café Mundial".


2nd MEETING OF IFAECI (UMI 3351): " Grant Proposal Start-Up Workshop

The main objective of the meeting is to startup a series of grant proposals to be submitted during 2011-2012. The research projects would aim typically at ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) calls, but also potentially at other funding opportunities available in France (LEFE, CNRS Doc and Post-Doc fundings, etc), Argentina (MINCyT, etc) and French/Argentinean bilateral programs. A more detailed note summarizing the main funding opportunities identified as relevant as well as their respective timing and scope, will be sent out shortly.


Kick off meeting of the UMI IFAECI

The goal of the meeting is to review the existing cooperation between France and Argentina concerning climate issues, and establish how the UMI should help its organization and evolution. The discussions will consider, among others, the followings items:  - Observations, analysis and data assimilation in South America and surrounding oceans - including measurement techniques, and the link between measurements and model studies;  -  Understanding land-air-ocean processes in the region;  -  Atmospheric chemistry (tropospheric and stratospheric);  -  Challenges in the modeling of the climate of the region, articulation between global and regional perspectives;  -  Climate change scenarios and associated uncertainties in the region;  -  Climate Change impact in the region (La Plata Basin, central Andes, Southwestern Atlantic);  -  Socio-Economic aspects linked to climate evolution;  -  La Plata estuary related processes.


Workshop on Southern Hemisphere and South America climate

SPARC (Stratospheric Processes And their Role in Climate) is a core project of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) that coordinates international efforts to bring knowledge of the stratosphere to bear on relevant issues in climate variability and prediction. SPARC provides expertise in several key areas related to climate variability and climate change, such as dynamical variability, ozone, stratosphere-troposphere dynamical coupling, gravity waves, temperature trends, data assimilation, etc. Southern Hemisphere and in particular South America are regions of the world in which the research of those key themes are relevant and need to be expanded and strengthened.


Simposio de Radarización y Sistema de Alertas Hidrometeológicos del Cono Sur

El objetivo del simposio es difundir el uso de la información obtenida a partir de radares meteorológicos, mostrando el estado del arte del conocimiento científico-tecnológico de diversos temas asociados al uso de esta información entre los generadores de información y los usuarios de la misma. Los temas a desarrollar son: Pronóstico a corto plazo de sistemas precipitantes usando radares meteorológicos y combinando con información de actividad eléctrica; Aplicaciones Hidrológicas de los datos de los radares meteorológicos; Uso de las variables de doble polarización y algoritmos de Clasificación de Hidrometeoros; Procesamiento de señal proveniente de radares meteorológicos.



The primary purpose of the workshop is to encourage scientific discussions for a better understanding of the two data assimilation methods by current researchers in the field and to stimulate interest of younger scientists. The workshop will also focus on intercomparisons of the two methods in various contexts, incorporating both theoretical considerations as well as practical implementations, and with a special emphasis on atmospheric data assimilation. The discussions should therefore provide a solid scientific basis for supporting practical decisions eventually to be taken by meteorological agencies concerned.


Intensive Course on Data Assimilation

GOALS: Provide participants with a solid foundation to understand current approaches for in situ and remotely sensed data assimilation, with a concentration on basic concepts and developments, and simple computational exercises. Prepare attendants to participate in the Workshop that will take place the following week on 4D-Var and Ensemble Kalman Filter. Through WWRP/THORPEX support, there will be grants to support the travel, lodging and per diem of up to 10 Latin American participants. Other regional and local qualified participants can participate in the course, without support, but without additional tuition costs.


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